USB Video Capture Card

Game live streaming recording high-definition 1080P video capture


This product is an audio and video capture and recording accessory that utilizes the USB 3.0 protocol. It allows you to record various types of content such as news, sports events, virtual classes, and online videos either partially or in their entirety on your local computer. This can be achieved by capturing the HDMI video signal.

The accessory is designed to record videos on your local computer by connecting it to the HDMI output port of compatible devices such as PCs, laptops, digital media players, DVDs, PS4, and Switch. By utilizing the HDMI output from these devices, you can capture and save the video content directly on your computer.

In addition to recording from the aforementioned devices, this product also enables you to capture videos from smartphones or computers. To do this, you would need a USB 3.1 protocol interface on your smartphone or computer along with an HDMI signal adapter. By connecting your smartphone or computer to the accessory through this setup, you can record videos from these devices onto your local computer.

Overall, this USB 3.0 protocol audio and video capture and recording accessory provides a convenient way to record and store various types of video content from different sources onto your local computer for later use or sharing.



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